Eyes Wide Open

luxury interior design

Where do you draw your inspiration from?

If you’re anything like me, it comes from a myriad of places. From sunsets to travel, adventuring to exploring new restaurants … I love inspiration. I live for it. And I’m very purposeful about cultivating situations that allow me … and those around me … to feel inspired. To experience joy. To live a life with #eyeswideopen.

If you choose to travel with me – or go anywhere with me, for that matter – you know I have a curious mind. I photograph everything that strikes my fancy and brings me joy. I take jaunts into cool little shops because you never know what you’ll find. I seek out local businesses and artisans in every genre.

One of the beautiful byproducts of these escapades is the immense amount of inspiration I derive, not to mention the incredible products I’m introduced to. I am forever on the hunt for new and different. For unique and interesting. For curating environments unlike any other.

Because we believe your environment creates the backdrop for meaningful moments and memories.

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve fallen in love with something I’ve run across (wallcovering, fabric, furnishings, a specific wood species or design element … you name it!) and said, “one day I will design with this product!” And it happens. All. The. Time.

I also love to orchestrate enlightening shindigs for my team and our fellow designers so we can learn and grow together. It’s not uncommon for these gatherings to include product lines we haven’t worked with yet, and in some cases, even heard of before. Seeking out and creating these opportunities is sheer magic. They’re fun … and they’re pivotal for enhancing and elevating #ourcreativeedge.

We push outside our comfort zones and tap into our sources for new perspectives and fresh offerings. And as our team works through our design development process, we routinely ask ourselves: “Is this our very best work?”

The answer must always be a resounding YES.

Because we believe personalized design is the foundation for a life well-lived. 

And we can’t wait to take this journey with you.

In Gratitude and Good Vibes,

Michelle and the Creative Edge team

For this award-winning project, we collaborated with local artisans and tradesmen to replicate the original wood species and tonalities, as well as the intricate leaded glass detailing found in this charming 1919 Craftsman home in Phoenix’s downtown historic district. By reproducing the home’s minute details and stunning style-derivative elements, we created a seamless transition between the original home and the new “chef’s dream” addition we provided our client.




A Visceral Response