Protecting Your Home with UV Window Films

luxury interior design, UV window films

Natural light.

It’s the source of life on our planet. It’s necessary for our emotional and physical health, boosting Vitamin D, increasing productivity, helping ward off seasonal depression, and improving our quality of sleep.  

It’s a photographer’s best friend… a selling feature for our homes… and a pivotal element we routinely design around.

Because we believe your environment creates the backdrop for meaningful moments and memories.

Many of our clients are actively seeking ways to bring the outdoors in. Regardless of their desired square footage, they crave open spaces that feel light and airy … preferably with floor-to-ceiling windows and doors that capitalize on natural light. 

We answer the call by designing homes that seamlessly blend the indoors and out … while ensuring our clients’ homes remain functional, comfortable, and energy efficient.

Because we’re solutions-oriented… and because natural light isn’t always kind.

Over time, UV rays from natural light fade wood, fibers, fabrics, and other items made from natural elements.

Additionally, many dual-pane windows and doors still fall prey to heat transfer, also referred to as solar heat gain, requiring your HVAC units to work overtime and increasing your energy bills.

To combat these challenges, we turn to high-quality window films, which act as an invisible guard against the sun’s rays.

These babies are energy efficient and provide additional layers of UV protection by reducing the unwanted infrared portions of the solar heat while allowing the desired natural daylight to stream through.

Window films are another layer of livable luxury. As with many of our elements, they help protect the investment you’ve made into your home, and they provide additional layers of comfort – without compromising on style.

They’re an easy fix to a common challenge … they’re a win-win … and they’re yet another tool in the arsenal of awesomeness we bring to our projects.

Because we believe personalized design is the foundation for a life well-lived. 

And we can’t wait to take this journey with you.

In Gratitude and Good Vibes,

Michelle and the Creative Edge team


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